I've been doing HTML jiggery-pokery since I booted up my first
Geocities site. Yes, I remember having to lay out websites in tables (YE GODS!) Thankfully, the wonderful world of website design has changed a lot since then.
I normally just code websites for my own use during my spare time
*, as a hobby; constantly updating and redoing the myriad of websites I have floating on the interwebz. Occasionally cool people prod me and go "hey, could you do a website for me?" and I happily oblige. I'm that sorta person.
So, I'll open up the floor to any questions.
Why Bad Day Design?
Through a mixture of autocorrect and drunkenness, I received a request one evening for a 'bad day website'. As I was trying to work out what this new-fangled terminology was/meant, the corrected request for a 'basic website' came through. I quite liked the sound of a 'bad day website', so I decided to bastardize it and
Bad Day Design was formed.
Who are you?
Dolli Knitrix. I kinda look like this ↑.
What's your name, your real name?
A name means nothing on the battlefield.
Do I have to be cool to get a website done by you?
But by looking at my website you are automatically deemed cool, so no worries there.
Who do you do websites for?I mainly focus on the creative types and small indie businesses; bands, artists, Etsy sellers and the like.
How much does it cost to get a website done by you?It depends on how many features you want on your website. Logic dictates that more features = more time = more cost. But I'm reasonable. I'll gladly work with you to get you what you want at a price you can afford, so just send me an
Bramley, Pippin and Cox are all types of what?
* by 'spare time' I mean 'doing it at work when I really should be doing actual work stuff'. Just don't tell my boss.